HS Code: 0602909999
Other live plants(other than seedlings)
The 13-digit HS-CIQ code is required to fill in when submit GACC product listing application, CIQ is China entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau.
HS code |
CIQ code |
CIQ Name |
CIQ Supervision Code |
0602909999 |
101 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(长春花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
102 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(复盆子) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
103 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(龙舌兰) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
104 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(水仙) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
105 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(黄杨) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
106 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(郁金香) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
107 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(茶花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
108 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(春兰) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
109 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(君子兰) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
110 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(芦荟) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
111 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(含笑花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
112 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(仙客来) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
113 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(万年青) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
114 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(牡丹) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
115 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(月季) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
116 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(惠兰) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
117 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(洋桔梗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
118 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(天竺葵) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
119 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(唐菖蒲) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
120 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(一品红) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
121 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(非洲菊) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
122 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(满天星) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
123 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(安祖花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
124 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(球根海棠) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
125 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(马蹄莲) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
126 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(石槲兰) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
127 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(卡特利亚兰) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
128 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(舞女兰) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
129 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(海枣) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
130 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(富贵竹) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
131 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(散尾葵) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
132 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(万寿菊) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
133 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(绿藤) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
134 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(姜花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
135 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(年桔) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
136 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(草皮) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
137 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(其他观赏花木) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
138 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(三角枫盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
139 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(五角枫盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
140 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(鸡爪槭盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
141 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(山茶花盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
142 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(翠竹盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
143 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(白花杜鹃盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
144 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(金豆盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
145 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(腊梅盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
146 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(榕盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
147 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(榆盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
148 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(五针松盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
149 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(罗汉松盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
150 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(金钱松盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
151 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(福建茶盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
152 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(乌头叶蛇葡萄盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
153 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(朱砂根盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
154 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(紫金牛盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
155 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(凌宵盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
156 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(花孝顺竹盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
157 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(凤尾竹盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
158 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(黄杨盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
159 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(锦鸡儿盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
160 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(雪松属盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
161 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(朴盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
162 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(木桃盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
163 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(代代盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
164 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(佛手盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
165 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(金桔盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
166 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(其他盆景) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
167 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(花卉组培苗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
168 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(马铃薯组培苗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
169 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(葡萄苗组培苗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
170 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(甘薯组培苗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
171 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(苹果组培苗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
172 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(水稻组培苗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
173 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(其他组培苗) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
174 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(营养体) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
175 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(杜鹃切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
176 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(山茶花切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
177 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(月季切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
178 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(芍药切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
179 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(满天星切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
180 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(美人蕉切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
181 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(木兰花切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
182 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(樱花切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
183 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(牡丹切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
184 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(郁金香切花) |
P/Q |
0602909999 |
185 |
其他活植物(种用除外)(杂草) |
P/Q |
China HS code 0602909999 CIQ Inspection and Quarantine Requirements: P/Q |
CIQ Inspection Code |
CIQ Supervision Mode |
Foreign Producer GACC Register |
Foreign Exporter GACC Register |
Products Pre_market Approval |
Chinese Labeling & Formula CIQ Preview |
GACC Quarantine License |
P |
Entry animals and plants products quarantine 进境动植物、动植物产品检疫; |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Q |
Exit animal and plant products quarantine 出境动植物、动植物产品检疫。 |
China 8-digits HS code 06029099 Customs Classification Examples |
8-digits HS code |
Commodity Example of Chinese Name |
Specification |
06029099.20 |
月世界 仙人球
06029099.20 |
小町缀化 仙人球
06029099.20 |
小町 仙人球
06029099.20 |
仙人掌 山吹
06029099.20 |
仙人掌 牡丹玉
06029099.20 |
山吹 仙人球
06029099.20 |
牡丹玉 仙人球
06029099.20 |
金晃 仙人球
06029099.20 |
黄金纽缀化 仙人球
06029099.20 |
黑丽球 仙人球
06029099.20 |
宝山 仙人球
Foreign Food Products Export China Compliance Services: |
Project |
Authority |
Introduction |
Apply |
GACC Registration |
In April 2021, the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) released two revised decrees;
The first decree is the "Regulations on the Registration and Administration of Overseas Producers of Imported Food " (GACC Decree 248), which will require all overseas food manufacturers, processors, and storage facilities to register with the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC).
The second decree is the "Administrative Measures on Import and Export Food Safety" (GACC Decree 249),
which covers a broad range of requirements on food exports to China, including overseas facilities registration, record filing by importers and exporters, quarantine and inspection, and product labeling.
According to the provisions of GACC Decree 249 Article 15, the GACC registration number of overseas production enterprises needs to be printed on the
Chinese Labeling of imported food,
then can pass the
China Customs
Clearance process normally.
Both Decree 248 and Decree 249 are slated to enter into force on January 1, 2022.
Chinese Labeling CIQ Preview
According to the requirements of the "Chinese Food Safety Law", all imported food must have Chinese labeling, and the elements of the Chinese label must comply with the relevant label regulations and GB standards;
The Chinese labeling samples must be submitted to CIQ for
inspection before customs clearance ; |
Ingresients Formula CIQ Preview
According to China's food safety regulations, all
imported food formula ingredients must in the NHC ( National Health
Commission of China ) approved list, including food additives, edible colorings, nutritional supplements, etc
Moreover, the NHC has strict regulations on each food additive ingredient, which category of food can be used, and the limit of the content used;
During the China Customs clearance process, the CIQ (Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of China) will inspect the ingredients formula list of each
imported food, If does not meet the requirements of formula ingredients, It will not be cleared. |
Pre_market Approval of SAMR & MOA |
Special food categories need to apply for
SAMR registration, and only after obtaining SAMR approval, then can be sold in China legally ;
Special food categories include: Infant Formula Food, Nutritional supplements (Dietary supplements), Functional Health Food, Special Medical Purpose (FSMP), etc.
And genetically modified foods(GMOs), pet foods,
animal feeds,etc. Need to apply for
"MOA-Ministry of Agriculture of China" registration and
obtain the corresponding licenses / certificates, then can be
imported into China ; |